21. Juli 2008

Ashley and her coffee bean is L O V E ^^

Southern California had some seriously beautiful weather over the weekend. So it’s no wonder that Ashley Tisdale was spotted toting around a drink carrier filled with iced coffees for cooling off.

The “High School Musical” cutie looked sexy and stylish in a western-style button-up shirt with a pair of skinny jeans, sandals, and an uber-fabulous Louis Vuitton handbag.

source: http://www.celebrity-gossip.net

19. Juli 2008

♥ Tisdalenette Board ♥

So first of all, sorry that there haven't been ANY updates. I know there's been a lot of news of Ashley but I just didn't have time to post anything... SORRY!! =(

Now to the topic of this post:
Since we all know that the Official Ashley Boards are currently closed actually nobody knows where to go to talk with other Ashley fans ... But there is a board ... May I present The Tisdalenette Board! We're like 30 members there but we already have SOO much fun! So if you need a alternative board to chat, have fun, laugh or just talk to other Ashley Fans, register there! It's really worth it!! And we always love to welcome new members, so just klick on the pic below and register! x33