25. Juni 2008

Vanessa Hudgens' album IDENTIFIED

So .. after there isn't any news on Ashley at the moment I'll just make a bit commercial for Vanessa Hudgens' album IDENTIFIED!

It's totally different than the first one! And when I first listened to the songs I thought OMG what did she do??? But after I heard them 2, 3 times I thought well they aren't THAT bad lol
AMAZED is like my favourite song on this whole album!! It's amazing!! And I'm really amazed haha

So klick on the album cover and listen to the samples! And don't forget to buy the album! x33

pic from vanessa-anne.org / (c) Hollywood Records

P.S. According to misstisdale.net, Ashley is done filming HSM3 on 25th June (well today ^^ lol) But I don't think she comes to LA right away. I think she stays in Utah until all the others are done filming aswell and they have a party or something lol . But after all, stay tuned for new Ashley pics! :)

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